The more prepared you are, the less you have to worry about the unpredictable; this rule applies to everything, especially when it comes to podcast recording. Whether you want to start or have already begun a podcast for your business, brand, or a personal hobby, there are quite a few podcast recording tips that are necessary to consider.
Read More9 Podcast Recording Tips for a Great Sounding Show
Finding exactly what you want to discuss can seem challenging. Thankfully, we’ve put together a guide on how to choose a podcast topic and idea in 10 steps that you can use to help you decide.
Read MoreHow to Choose a Podcast Topic in 10 Steps
After your cover art and podcast name, a podcast description is one of the first things listeners absorb when coming into contact with your show. When someone is going through the endless scroll of podcast offerings, you want to immediately sell them on your content. So, how do you do this? Here is how you can create a podcast description so snazzy that they'll have no choice but to click play.
Read MoreHow to Write the Perfect Podcast Description
So your podcast is getting more listeners. That’s great. But do you have any visuals to distinguish you or which your audience can identify you with? Many starting podcasters are so engrossed with the audio side of things that they miss the importance of also having a visual identity.
Read MoreWhy Your Podcast Needs a Visual Identity
In this guide, we’re sharing everything you need to know about song stems — what they are, why they matter, and how you can use them.
Read MoreSong Stems: Should Podcasters Care About Them?
There’s an audience for almost anything; it’s just a matter of knowing what demands your podcast is trying to fill. In this article you'll learn how to use market research to validate your podcast idea, giving you the best show your future audience never knew they needed.
Read MoreMake Your Podcast Stand OUT With Market Research
If you want to have a successful podcast, you need to go niche. You need to find the exact community your awesome content speaks to. In order to carve out your niche, you need to find your ideal podcast listener, also known as your podcast avatar.
Read MoreHow to Create the Perfect Podcast Avatar
Taking the leap into the podcast world can be daunting, but luckily, figuring out how to start a podcast is easier than ever before. There are plenty of tips, tricks, and tools at your fingertips, and you can easily find the answer to almost any question you may have about the process online.
Read MoreAre You Ready to Start a Podcast? 5 Questions to Ask Yourself
If there was no TV in sight and you heard the Friends theme song, you’d likely know what was playing on the screen. You’d settle on the couch with your snacks and have a general idea of the type of entertainment you’re about to consume. A podcast intro is no different than a TV opening.
Read MoreHow to Create the Perfect Podcast Intro & Outro
Do you want to start a podcast? This beginner's guide explores six (6) simple steps on how to start a podcast and make it a success.
Read MoreHow to Start a Podcast: A Beginners’ Guide