If there was no TV in sight and you heard the Friends theme song, you’d likely know what was playing on the screen. You’d settle on the couch with your snacks and have a general idea of the type of entertainment you’re about to consume. A podcast intro is no different than a TV opening.
Read MoreHow to Create the Perfect Podcast Intro & OutroDo you want to start a podcast? This beginner's guide explores six (6) simple steps on how to start a podcast and make it a success.
Read MoreHow to Start a Podcast: A Beginners’ GuideCreating engaging content for your podcast should always be your main driving force. But never forget the importance of social media. It is such a fundamental tactic for growing your audience that we wanted to give you the tools to create a strategy to specifically how to promote your podcast on Instagram!
Read MoreTop Tricks to Promote Your Podcast On InstagramWhether you are considering starting a podcast or have one already, you will need to learn how to grow your audience numbers. The number of people listening to a podcast show is an important factor in its success. Here are ten of the best podcast marketing strategies that are sure to get you more listeners.
Read MorePodcast Marketing: 10 Ways Get More ListenersMany businesses face a common problem - they create an outstanding and unique product, but nobody buys it. And it happens due to one main reason: these businesses don't have a marketing funnel.
Read MoreHow to Power up Your Marketing Funnel With PodcastingGuess what, it’s never been easier to start a podcast. However, the competition to be heard is fierce. So, how do you stand out amongst the sea of podcasts? Well you should pitch your podcast to the media.
Read MoreHow to Pitch Your Podcast to the MediaA good podcast isn’t determined by how charming its hosts are, but rather how they connect with their listeners. If you want to grow your podcast audience with content that stands out, knowing how to build a community around your podcast is essential.
Read MoreBuilding a Community Around Your PodcastSo you are ready to jump into the world of podcasting. But how do you start your own podcast? There's a lot there to take advantage of, and we don't want you to miss any of it.
Read MoreHow To Start Your Own Podcast with SpreakerSo you’ve made a podcast and you want people to, well, listen. Making an effective website for your podcast can not only attract the right audience but the right sponsors and partners as well.
Read MoreSelecting the right platform for your podcast websitePodcasters often adhere to the well-known Field of Dreams quote, “If you build it they will come”. Unfortunately, this is rarely the case. And this is why you might need a podcast website. Confused? Don't worry, keep reading.
Read MoreWhy You Should Have a Podcast Website