Why Start Podcasting If You’re a Small Business

As a small business, it can be impossible to find your unique voice in the marketplace and successfully reach your audience. Consumers’ lives are saturated by advertising on a daily basis, so just how can you create brand personality and make your business heard? One answer is podcasts. Podcasts are increasingly being integrated into brands’ content marketing strategies and rightly so; it is advertising which requires minimal equipment, little money and offers businesses the opportunity to create an intimate rapport with their customer.

If you need further convincing as to why podcasts are the future of B2C advertising, here are three more reasons as to why they might be just what your business needs to get on the road to establishing a relationship of trust between brand and consumer:

Let them hear your business’s most intimate voice

Podcasts allow you to create a voice and personality for your brand, in turn allowing you to build an intimate relationship with your customer. It is tailor-made content, which is thoughtful, informative and can make you stand out amongst the crowd. By speaking directly to your customer it helps put you on a level with them, allowing consumers to feel more empathetic towards your brand and letting them see another side of your business.

Grow your audience with interviews

Securing an influential guest who has a large or loyal following can be a great way of broadening your audience. Guests who are not directly related to your subject matter or might offer a unique point of view give you the opportunity to entice new listeners. More importantly, if the guests are willing to share the content via their social media channels it can give a real boost to your numbers and strengthen brand validity.

Reach your customers without them even thinking about it

What makes podcasts truly unique as a content medium is the fact they don’t require undivided attention like lots of other media, such as video. Podcasts are easily consumable content – you can speak to your audience while they are going about their daily lives: driving, cooking or commuting. The development of home listening devices such as Amazon Echo allow listeners to multi-task while they get their podcast hit and mobile devices allow listening on the move. Research is showing that the number of people listening to podcasts outside the home is on the up:

“While Home continues to be the most often named location for podcast listening, the vehicle is a strong second.” Edison Research.

If used wisely podcasts can be a powerful tool in a small business’s content marketing strategy. They allow companies to directly speak to their consumers in a personalized way and are a clever way to create a trusted relationship between brand and customer. More importantly, all you need to get started is a microphone, a computer, and some recording equipment…so what are you waiting for?

Start podcasting – Create a FREE Spreaker account now!

Discover the power of podcasting and monetize your passion without spending a dime. Create your FREE Spreaker account today and unlock endless possibilities to earn money from your unique content. Don’t wait, let the world hear what you have to say!

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