So your podcast is getting more listeners. That’s great. But do you have any visuals to distinguish you or which your audience can identify you with? Many starting podcasters are so engrossed with the audio side of things that they miss the importance of also having a visual identity.
Read MoreWhy Your Podcast Needs a Visual Identity
Landing aligned partnerships for your podcast is a fantastic way to start monetizing. This can be seamless with the creation of a podcast media kit. A podcast media kit is an easy way journalists can write about you and is your elevator pitch for sponsors.
Read MoreDo I Need A Podcast Media Kit?
With an estimated number of over 2 million active podcasts worldwide, podcast listeners today have access to a substantially wider pool of options than ever before. Naturally, as a podcaster, you would want to have a far-reaching audience, or at least to see your podcast grow. So how can you grow your podcast on Youtube?
Read More5 Unique Ways to Grow Your Podcast on Youtube
In this guide, we’re sharing everything you need to know about song stems — what they are, why they matter, and how you can use them.
Read MoreSong Stems: Should Podcasters Care About Them?
Reviews are a great way to promote your podcast and get more listeners. So encouraging people to share their opinions of your work is even more critical when you're trying to monetize your craft. But what exactly can you do to inspire listeners to leave a review?
Read More6 Tips for Getting More Podcast Reviews
Great news, Facebook has announced your audience can listen to your episodes directly on your Facebook page. So what does this mean for podcasters? And how will this new feature help you promote your podcast on Facebook?
Read MoreHow to Promote Your Podcast on Facebook
Your 3rd-grade self might think making mistakes is a bad thing, but in reality, mistakes are how we grow. However, if one of your friends made the same mistake, and learned from it… wouldn’t you want to know how to avoid it to save you some time? When you’re starting you are inevitably going to make podcasting mistakes, that is inevitably, but why not learn from our podcasting mistakes?
Read More10 Podcast Mistakes (And How to Avoid Them)
Guess what, CPMs are on track to increase by 20% in between now up until the end of December 2021. That's huge. So how can you take advantage of these high CPMs in podcast advertising and make money off of your podcast? Let's get into it.
Read MorePodcast Advertising: Taking Advantage of High CPMs
There’s an audience for almost anything; it’s just a matter of knowing what demands your podcast is trying to fill. In this article you'll learn how to use market research to validate your podcast idea, giving you the best show your future audience never knew they needed.
Read MoreMake Your Podcast Stand OUT With Market Research
If you didn’t already know, AdHub is our self-advertising tool, available for US users, that will give you the chance to promote your podcast with an audio ad on other targeted podcasts.
Read MorePromote Your Podcast with AdHub